Episode 293 - David Hunter, part 2: Osteoarthritis

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In episode 293 of season 7 we conclude our conversation with professor David Hunter of Sydney Australia. He shares more on the failures of the current common treatment and care. And, he shares what he’s an advocate for - a more active approach. Finally he offers helpful resources related to the data on osteoarthritis. This week on MCF!


Some of the resources David shared:

RACGP Guidelines algorithm: https://www.racgp.org.au/FSDEDEV/media/documents/Clinical%20Resources/Guidelines/Joint%20replacement/Algorithm-Holistic-assessment-diagnosis-and-management-of-knee-and-hip-osteoarthritis.pdf

Case-based clinical algorithms: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S106345841630019X?via%3Dihub

A resource that might be helpful for consumers wanting to know more about the disease and how to manage it: https://www.myjointpain.org.au/

 The recently launched National osteoarthritis strategy to look at ways we can better deliver care as a society: https://ibjr.sydney.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/National-Osteoarthritis-Strategy.pdf

JOSPT article. https://www.jospt.org/doi/full/10.2519/jospt.2017.0605

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