Episode 137 - Hans van Helvoirt (re-airing from Ep. 41), part 2: Follow Your Feelings

Hans van Helvoirt M.A Dip. MDT/MT

 In episode #137 I'm re-airing episode 41 from November of 2014. I'm speaking with Mr. Hans van Helvoirt in the conclusion of my original interview. He shares more patient experiences, thoughts on challenges, strengths and best advice. I also caught up with him recently and he shared some current areas he's studying in Rugpoli, the interdisciplinary clinic in which he's a partner. All this in this week's MCF!


Mr. Hans van Helvoirt graduated from the International Academy for Physical therapy in Utrecht, the Netherlands in 1986. In 1991 he finished his Manual Therapy Training in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland. In the early nineties he worked in private physical therapy practice focusing on spinal problems.  After completing the Diploma program in Wellington, New Zealand in 92, he started teaching MDT, first in the Benelux and later on in several European countries. In the mid nineties he did his Masters of Arts in Psychology. Hans is now working in a transdisciplinary setting in pain management in the Netherlands and is involved in different research projects focusing on combining MDT and anesthesiology.

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