
Season 7, Episode 13 with Angela Cadogan: Shoulder pain in primary care: Frozen shoulder

In episode 13 of season 7 of Inside the Science we’re highlighting the study, “Shoulder pain in primary care: Frozen Shoulder” with Angela Cadogan. You’ll hear her share her comments on key features of frozen shoulder diagnosis, the three stages of the condition, the common complaints related to the two categories of pain-dominant versus stiffness-dominant phases, what best care is understood in the two stages appropriate for treatment, its etiology, the clinical implications, and big takeaways.

Season 7, Episode 12 with Angela Cadogan: Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical Examination and Imaging Findings for Identifying Subacromial Pain

In episode 12 of season 7 of Inside the Science we’re highlighting the study, “Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical Examination and Imaging Findings for Identifying Subacromial Pain” with Angela Cadogan. You’ll hear her share the backstory to why she and her co-authors conducted the study, specifics important to understand regarding the methods, the key findings including what is correlated to a higher likelihood of subacromial impingement, how the loss of motion with particular directions of shoulder motion, how this impacts the popular discussion of whether impingement exists in the first place the clinical implications and big takeaways.