Case #83 - Melissa Watson

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Case 83 cover.png

Case #83 - Melissa Watson


In case #83, we’re joined by Ms. Melissa Watson and Ms. Annie O'Connor. Melissa is a neuro therapist working in a Day Rehab Program and Annie is an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. Both work for the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, formerly known as the Rehab Institute of Chicago in Illinois. Melissa presents a case of a middle aged man with remitting and relapsing Multiple Sclersosis whose chief complaint is bilateral leg spasticity. (1hr, 18min, 37sec)

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She and Annie discuss the melding of two classification systems, MDT and Pain Mechanism Classification System (PMCS) in the treatment of this neuro patient. Great insights for neuro and ortho PTs alike with illustrations of how the neurological population, having complaints other than pain, like spasticity, can effectively be treated. To learn more on the PMCS reference the book by Annie O'Connor and Melissa Kolski, A World of Hurt: A Guide to Classifying Pain.