Case 74 - Scott Herbowy

case 74 Back and Leg pain herbowy.png
case 74 Back and Leg pain herbowy.png

Case 74 - Scott Herbowy


In case 74 Scott Herbowy shares a case of a 36 year old male, a soccer coach with the complaint of back pain and leg paresthesia. He identifies this patient exhibiting a lateral shift deformity and discusses what he considers to determine if it’s relevant. Loading strategies, required expected reps to elicit a change, what classifications are possible and what aren’t - all discussed in this very effective case offering from which much to learn. (44 min 27 sec)

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Scott highlights some of the critical thinking through the history including the difference between a patient describing they can’t bend versus it hurting when they bend.

He clarifies how to determine at times that there’s no more questions needed in the history and it’s best to just get into the physical exam.

He also shares the three curses of the mechanical exam which were taught on the diploma program in permanent ink.

Technical aspects of the relevant lateral components and how to achieve full reduction are also discussed.