Case #73 - Scott Herbowy

CC 73 Scapula Pain.png
CC 73 Scapula Pain.png

Case #73 - Scott Herbowy


In case 73 Mr. Scott Herbowy shares a recent patient, a 62 year old male, he had seen on a course who complained of scapular pain.  Scott does a great job of walking us through how he clinically reasons through the patient's symptoms, his thought process of why he progresses the patient through the repeated movement testing the way he does, some of the education he offers to the patient and why, and some ideas on long term management of this, and similar patients.    (1 hr 8 min 26 sec)

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Scott gives so many great insights including:

  • nuances with the most distal symptoms, when to focus on them and when to focus elsewhere

  • how he he’s prepared for many of the common education pieces like centralization to make patient education seamless

  • the one red flag not found through advanced imaging

  • his guidelines which help him know how many reps is enough

And so many more great takeaways!