Case #6-Dana Greene

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Case #6-Dana Greene


This case features a 42 yr old male, an injured worker, with lower back/PSIS region pain.  I'm joined by Mr. Dana Greene of Syracuse, New York USA.


Amongst some of the discussion in this case, Dana offers insights about how he differentiates lumbar versus SI joint versus hip joint origin referencing a critical study to aid in ruling in or out the SI joint.

If you ever question your accuracy of identifying whether or not a patient has motion loss or not, Dana touches on his observations over the years of determining that accurately.  For the patient whose condition's origin is unclear and especially when it includes a peripheral joint, Dana walks through his pattern of how he sequentially walks through the physical exam and repeated movements.  

This case features one of those patients still classified as "inconclusive" 3-4 visits in, and might be very helpful for those who struggle with patients whose classification is unclear.  This is another great case especially if you're a fan of Dana Greene.  (30 min 40 seconds) 

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Amongst some of the discussion in this case, Dana offers insights about the need to differentiate lumbar versus SI joint versus hip, referencing a critical study to aid in ruling in or out the SI joint. If you ever question your accuracy of identifying whether or not a patient has motion loss or not, Dana touches on his observations over the years of determining that accurately.  For the patient whose condition's origin is unclear and especially when it includes a peripheral joint, Dana walks through his pattern of how he sequentially walks through the physical exam and repeated movements.  This case features one of those patients still classified as "inconclusive" after 3-4 visits for those who struggle with the patient whose classification is unclear.  This is another great case especially if you're a fan of Dana Greene.  (30 min 40 seconds)